Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Dear two older dudes who regularly dine at Petie's,

Hi. What are your stories? I would love to know.

When my Oma chooses Petie's, I know I am going to see you two, sitting together, wearing your crazy hats. I love those hats! One of you is a little more heavy on top, and you wear a beaten black motorcycle jacket and-- seriously-- a beret. You rock that beret! You carry that thing off like nothing I've ever seen. Honestly. It's a tough hat to sport without looking like a total jackass. You usually have a newspaper quartered in your left hand, and your eyes follow it like a pet.

Your friend is just as amazing. He wears a beaten brown leather/canvas thing. A plaid shirt with metal-rimmed aviators folded into the V. A groomed, salted, peppered beard, and an Indiana Jones fedora. I am not kidding. And you rock it like it is your damn skin! You are often leaned against the wall, wedged into your booth, sleeping. SLEEPING! I love you. Last week I was thinking about talking to Petie about egg scrambling, but you guys were talking about Vietnam, and then hard candy, so I was barely able to focus on eggs, or Oma. I am terrible.

I could really get into a hard candy discussion.

Then Oma and I went grocery shopping, stopped to get hearing aid batteries, et al., and a bit after I dropped her off I pulled up next to you two on my left. Naturally, I waved excitedly to you. We rolled our mutual windows down exclaiming about recently seeing each other at Petie's, and Fedora Man told me of how the little dog in the back was really excited, and Beret Man looked vaguely stirred. Fedora Man: Her name is Badger. Me: Maggie? F.M.: No, Badger! Me: Ah! Then light was green, and it was over.

It made me really happy, thanks.

Gentlemen, to you!,

The D.L.


Professor Howdy said...

Very good posting.
Thank you - Have a good day!!!

dr von drinkensnorten said...

"next blog" is indeed a riot. i went to someone's anime/4-chan fandom site (en italiano) to some neocon bomb-syria-and-iran screeder. did you know that the average blog has a readership of exactly one (the blogger themself)? we, darling, are SO far ahead of the curve.

dr von drinkensnorten said...

oh yes, and you must sign on to stumbleupon.. so you can thumb up or thumb down weird blogs!


The D.L. said...

mmmwah ha ha ha ha ha